A Code of Conduct for the European Leather Industry
In the year 2000, the representative bodies of European tanners, together with COTANCE, signed a highly advanced social Code of Conduct. The Code was developed at European level by COTANCE and ETUF:TCL (now industriAll-Europe).
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Many projects divulging the content of the Charter have been developed at EU level and in Member States promoting the leather industry Code of Conduct. It was taken up by its member organisations and subscribing to it is a precondition for new members. Its implementation at company level is, in principle, achieved, but COTANCE would to like to take a step further and provide companies subscribing individually to the Charter with an acknowledgement that they can use in their marketing strategies.
As a first step, companies subscribing will receive an acknowledgement of their willingness and commitment to the principles laid down in the Charter. In time they will be requested to formalise this commitment further through the certification by an independent body of their compliance to the Charter; SA 8000 or similar.
Subscribing is a voluntary act of commitment that is expected to be taken at the highest company decision-making level and to be further developed credibly over time with concrete achievements. All companies of the leather value chain may subscribe to the Charter, including non-EU companies. Its uptake by extra-EU companies increases its success as a global model.
To subscribe, send an email to cotance@euroleather.com.