16Jun 2023

The EP fails to acknowledge the challenges and opportunities of leather within the EU Textile Strategy
On 1st June 2023, the European Parliament adopted its Report on the EU Strategy for Sustainable and Circular Textiles (EU Textiles Strategy). The ensuing...
16Jun 2023

The public perception of leather in the focus of this years’ COTANCE Annual Meeting
COTANCE President Rios invited the European Leather industry to meet in Igualada (Spain) for the Mid-year Council and General Assembly meeting. The encounter took place on ...
03May 2023

Green Deal Leather: social partners working towards zero accidents in the workplace!
Working towards zero accidents in the tanning and leather sector was the focus of last week’s meeting in Valencia which saw the steering committee of the EU funded social ...
28Apr 2023

Creating safe and sustainable supply chains: occupational safety and health course for the leather industry
VIENNA, 28 April 2023 - A safe and healthy working environment is a fundamental principle and right at work.
For twenty years, 28 April has been ob...
06Apr 2023

COTANCE President Manuel Rios VIP Guest of UzCharmExpo-ShoesStar-EURASIA2023
The 14th International Exhibition of Leather, Footwear, Haberdashery, Fur, Wool, Karakul and localized products “UzCharmExpo-ShoesStar-EURASIA2023”, which takes place from 5 to ...
30Mar 2023

Towards sustainable and competitive TCLF industries with decent jobs in Southeast Europe
European social partners sign a joint declaration and affirm their commitment to jointly support sustainable, competitive TCLF industries with decent working condition...
10Mar 2023

OEKO-TEX® adds its signature to the COTANCE initiative on Traceability Schemes’ alignment
The signature process continues with OEKO-TEX® formalising its participation in the joint exercise of alignment of Traceability certification schemes. Carolin Franitz...
28Feb 2023

LWG, SLF and ICEC sign at Lineapelle the Terms of Reference of the COTANCE initiative of alignment of Leather Traceability Schemes
The COTANCE initiative on alignment of Leather Traceability Schemes was launched at the last Lineapelle Fair, back in Septemb...
27Feb 2023

LEATECH at Lineapelle: COTANCE presented the First International Masters’ Programme for the tanning industry where the World’s leather sector meets
COTANCE Secretary General, Gustavo Gonzalez-Quijano, spread the Word about LEATECH at Lineapelle, the Word’s...
20Feb 2023

COTANCE is sad to convey the passing of Ursula Mandenoff, a key person in COTANCE throughout her 44-year career in the leather industry. Mrs Mandenoff was COTANCE's French representative from the very first day in 1969 to the beginning of the new millenium....