Introduction to the PEFCR Pilot Leather
COTANCE has been awarded the opportunity to conducting one of the 14 EU Pilots selected among some 90 candidates aiming at developing Product Environmental Footprint Category Rules (PEFCR) for non-food/feed products.
The COTANCE-led EU Pilot concerns Leather, the material stemming from the by-product of the meat industry, hides and skins of animals slaughtered for the production of meat for human consumption.
This EU Pilot will officially start activities together with those other EU Pilots that will be operating in the food/feed & drink sectors in the first half of 2014. This will facilitate the discussions on the alignment of methodological aspects between the partners in the supply chain.
However, the EU Pilot on Leather starts already for all organisational aspects. COTANCE attended on October 20, 2013, the first meeting of the Steering Committee that oversees the whole Pilot process.
The development of official PEFCR within the European Commission framework will last some 3 years and follow a pre-set schedule of activities with their milestones and deliverables described in a Commission’s Guidance document.