• cotance@euroleather.com

Press Release: IULTCS, ICHSLTA & WHL new signatories of the Joint Statement on durability in the A&F PEFCR

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Brussels, January 30, 2025 - We are proud to announce that the International Union of Leather Technologists and Chemists Societies (IULTCS), the International Council for Hides, Skins and Leather Trade Associations (ICHSLTA), and its affiliated German National Association for hides & leather (WHL) have endorsed our initiative and joined as co-signatories of the Joint Statement on Durability in the Apparel & Footwear PEFCR.

These associations bring unparalleled expertise and influence to the initiative. IULTCS endorsement provides strong support from the science side of the leather industry, evidencing that the durability metrics the Statement advocates for reflect empirical reality and.... common sense. ICHSLTA's voice further shows the cohesion in the global leather value chain in defending the material's durability benefits that leather lends to consumer products. Together, they enhance the statement's truth and amplify its message, advocating for fair and accurate representation of natural materials in environmental assessments.

Joint Statement

"The IULTCS Board immediately and unanimously agreed to support this statement calling for fair and accurate metrics on the durability of leather and the longevity of products made thereof. IULTCS, as the scientific body of the global leather industry, could not remain silent in front of durability metrics that do not reflect the reality and that risk to cause serious harm to the uptake of leather in a fashion industry that needs to turn more circular and sustainable" - says Joan Carles Castell, President of IULTCS 

Toni Baltes, President of ICHSLTA and WHL says: "I am very pleased to add the support of ICHSLTA, the International Council for Hides, Skins and Leather Trade Associations, and the WHL, its German national association to this Joint Statement on durability metrics of natural materials and fibres and their products. It is crucial that their sustainability credentials in terms of longevity are fully acknowledged and accounted for in environmental footprints”.

"We are proud to have IULTCS and ICHSLTA+WHL endorsing our initiative. They bring to the table world-class expertise and further evidence the cohesion of the global leather industry in fighting for the recognition of its positive contribution to a greener and circular fashion sector. Each additional signatory strengthens our message and improves our chances of achieving a fair and balanced outcome," - says Gustavo Gonzalez-Quijano, Secretary General of COTANCE.

Download the Joint Statement

While we continue expanding our community of natural materials, we need you to help us spread the word:  Fix the metrics. Protect natural materials. Drive true sustainability in fashion.

For more information or to join the initiative: reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.